Our Shelter Wish List

The following items on our shelter wish list are essential to enhance the care and rehoming operations at Animal Welfare League Queensland. These items typically exceed our budget constraints and although we strive to manage without them, having these items would significantly improve our operations. Should you be able to assist with the purchase of this vital equipment, please contact our Project and Facilities Manager at (07) 5509 9059 or RachelWills@awlqld.com.au

LOCATION: Beenleigh Animal Rehoming Centre

ITEMS: Industrial Brushcutter, Gardening Tools

ABOUT THE WISH LIST ITEM: The dogs at AWLQ's Beenleigh Animal Rehoming Centre are incredibly lucky to have abundant green spaces where they can freely roam, play, and receive enrichment. However, ensuring the safety and well-being of both the animals and the dedicated staff and volunteers who care for them requires regular maintenance of these grassy areas. An industrial brushcutter and some good quality gardening shears would significantly ease the workload for our volunteer gardeners. Your support in providing the necessary tools for maintaining these spaces is deeply appreciated and will directly contribute to the overall welfare of the animals and those who care for them.

COST: $1,000

LOCATION: Beenleigh Animal Rehoming Centre

ITEMS: Hydrobath, Coverage

ABOUT THE WISH LIST ITEM: We are in need of a new hydrobath to wash our dogs. Although we have a concrete pad and water access, there is currently no cover to protect from the elements. A new hydrobath and a carport-style cover to shield from the sun and rain would be immensely beneficial. This addition would greatly assist us in keeping our dogs clean and looking their best as they prepare for their new homes.

COST: $5175 ($2000 for hydrobath, $3175 for cover)

LOCATION: Willawong & Warra Animal Rehoming Centre

ITEMS: Industrial washing and dryer machines

ABOUT THE WISH LIST ITEM: Currently our Willawong & Warra Rehoming Animal Centres lack adequate washing and drying machines, resulting in the disposal of soiled bedding. By acquiring industrial washing and drying machines, we can reuse high-quality bedding, thereby reducing landfill waste. Additionally, the Willawong Centre requires the installation of a washing line. These facilities would greatly enhance our ability to provide clean, comfortable bedding for our animals.

COST: $10,000